Look at all the great enamel pieces I made at the Museum of Arts and Design! Aren't they so much better than everyone else's?!
These were our instructors. Mine sucked.

We also visited AIGA. I was not too excited about going at first (it's basically a club, come on!) but I'm REALLY glad we went. I have a whole new appreciation for what they do and would not hesitate to join them even after my student membership expires.
If I was ever to live in NY, I would be there at least a few times a month just to check out all the books and archives that they have stocked there.

It was incredible to see the whole office.. which takes up an ENTIRE BLOCK. That's a New York, block too. It was really cool to see how they just did everything in house and were able to control their brand so tightly.
Plus we saw Martha. But out of respect for her, I won't post the picture. Unless there are... at least FIVE comments from FIVE different people on this post! Man... I'm such a sell out. =(

And they have their in house kitchen to try out recipes and stuff. I wish I had a kitchen like this. And people to try things out for me.

Soho was GREAT! Uniqlo is definitely unique. HAH! I wish there was one in LA (hint hint, uniqlo.. i could say that name all day). This mannequin hung from the ceiling at Kid Robot. It reminded me of lynching and I thought it was gross.
I did not take this photo, of course. It was someone else.
Katherine's mom takes the bait about the photo of (with?) Martha Stewart. If we add Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt and Dad we can get to FIVE if needed. I am glad you guys visited AIGA. It is nice to know that trade associations can be such sharing, helpful (not competitive) and well-funded groups.
ReplyDeletePlease Daniel post the picture... I need proof.
ReplyDeletePOST IT!!!
ReplyDeleteSeems like you'll have to post the picture :)
ReplyDeleteHelvetica in Times Roman... funny to all of us type geeks