Pre-Trip Questions:
With this trip I should hopefully have a much better understanding of how things work in the design world and how designers work with big companies to satisfy their client’s demands. In terms of design I have always pictured doing free lance projects but I would love to see how Designers work in big groups- brainstorming there way through the Project. I want to get to know more about the art worlds in terms of design as this is still new to me, since I switched in from Economics last year. I’ve heard that hand-on experiences and the best way to learn about a profession is to be on the job itself, and really getting up-close to the work and people who do it best. This trip should be very exciting in terms of the firms we are going to visit.
The firms I am probably be most excited about visiting would be ‘Landor’ and ‘Wallace Church’ since these companies entail Package design and I am interested in Product and package design and definitely want to learn more about it. Of course big companies like Nickelodeon and CBS, one is always excited to learn more about and how the inside world of such huge firms work.
My interests are working with packaging and perhaps product design. Learning about these graphic firm companies and print graphics would be great exposure and it might just change the line of work I want to go into. I love sketching and creating new designs and visiting these firms definitely will certainly give me a much needed perspective of whole real age designers do their job in a city that works so well in the favor of art and design!
New York City is often called the centre of the Art world along with London and Florence. I feel like West Coast design has a lot to do with the traditional and cultural theme of design. Los Angeles and just the west coast in general seems to offer new abstract designs perhaps due to the bold and risk taking nature of the more relaxed and laid back culture. I am not sure about where I’m going with this assumption but this is what I think of the culture of the west and the east coast!
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