It was good seeing people pursuing their passions. I enjoyed watching the people working in the kitchen, photographers discussing a photo shot, crafters working in their studios, and illustrators drawing on their computers. Also, the guide gave us an important piece of advice--"work for people who know more than you." I've heard this before, and I believe it is completely true!
I'm going to bullet point this one:
- Learn print and web design
- Gain work experience before starting a business. Pick a place that's most similar to the work YOU want to do. It's okay to start at the bottom
- If you're young and a woman, there are many obstacles. Thus, build your credibility and sell your experience.
- "Brand yourself"
- Don't stay in one industry, diversify
- "There is no with each other"
Siegel & Gale
This appointment gave me a better idea of branding. I learned that branding is different from advertising in that branding is long term as it plays a big part in developing the company's identity. Also, when Mr. Siegel stated, "flip through books," I was inspired to read more design books and start my own collection of references.
C&G Partners / Wallace Church (tied)
- "An identity can't always be playful"
- They look for your creativity and versatility
I was impressed with how one designer can be successful with one big client. was also impressed with how Jason used a typeface to create a brand (Rogan). I appreciated his creative use of a variety of found materials (reflective, mirror-like paper, metal, tree bark, etc.) and I liked his statement about how designers could do more with less.
Recap / Summary
- You can do more with less
- Flip through books!
- It's okay to start at the bottom
- They look for your creativity and versatility
- Design doesn't always have to be playful
- Brand yourselves
- Work with people who know more than you
- There is no with each other
Laslty, Some Cool Fun Discoveries
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