Monday, March 9, 2009

Pre Trip Answers

What are your expectations for the trip and design appointments?
I expect to learn everything I can about design and what its like as an artist living in the real world in exactly one week. I would just really like to be blown away by everything we see and know that there is a place for us newcomers in this kind of world.

What company or companies are you most excited to visit?
I'm really excited about all the companies, not having done anything like this before I don't really know what to expect.
companies I'm looking forward to seeing, Roadside entertainment, Enamel Design,Wallace Church and I've also been wanting to go to New York museums, both design and fine art. 

How do your interests or skills fit with the firms that we are visiting?
Most of my work is trying to connect my design world with fine art and I would like to see how these companies merge the two together.  

How would you define "west coast" design? How does it defer from "east coast" design?
I can honestly say I don't know much about either coasts when it comes to design. Ask me again after the trip and I might have a better answer.

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