Thursday, March 19, 2009

John Cheng was about to shower as I was writing this blog but decided to start packing for tomorrow

The above title is correct. There shall, however, not be any photographical proof.

This past week has been AMAZING. It's felt like we've been here for a month, even though it's been only a few days. I won't go into all the details, but here are some of the highlights:

Wallace Church is a great company I really respect. I've always been interested in branding, and I love their emphasis on packaging. Personally, I need to play around more with packaging... instead of just worrying about stupid posters and business cards. I need to get my hands dirty and try different materials.

This especially hit home for me because before Wallace Church, we visited the designer from Rogan. I was extremely impressed by how he used different materials ... things that I've never seen before.

Rice to Riches is a rice pudding company, in the lines of Pinkberry-like stores. I like their blunt truth and tongue-in-cheek humor.

This is Mark Courtney from Courtney&Co ... who evidently redid their website since I saw it last before we left. They were also very good at little details and using all sorts of materials for their projects.

I also liked how they used some of their time to benefit non-profit organizations as well. If I ever start my own company, that's something I would definitely want to do too.

Siegel+Gale was very cool too. Special thanks to Mr. Siegel for coming out to meet us!

I would say that the appointment that made the biggest impression on me was C&G Partners. When I came out from our meeting with them, I realized just how much I've been screwing around with design instead of really dedicating myself to it. Part of it is my struggle in balancing design with PR.

Anyway, I came back after C&G and immediately took down my own design website.

"In the Heights" was good. Go watch it.

I'm feeling depressed about my designs. I am poo.


  1. ...and then he showered after! Sexy curtains!

  2. Oh, and you're not poo by the way. Anyone who has Haven's respect like that is far from it.
