Monday, March 9, 2009

Pre-Trip Answers

1. I don't necessarily want to say that I have expectations for the trip, rather some information I am hoping to gain more insight to. Like alot of other people in the class I am graduating in May and while I know I want to be a designer, I have so many interests I feel like sometimes I have a hard time focusing on one specific thing, even more so in terms of an approaching career. I am hoping that by visiting such a wide range of agencies with varying degrees of specialities I can narrow my focus somewhat and be very driven to finding a career in a place I will be happy in. Also, I have always considered New York and LA to be sister cities in a way, hubs of culture and business and I think it will be amazing to have an inside glimpse into a different center of art and design on the opposite coast.

2. Right now I am the most excited to visit Enamel Design. I like the idea of smaller agencies that offer more interaction and where the designers work closely together rather than strict competition or a lot of different departments. Also I have heard the clothing designers of Rogan speak at an event here in LA and found them very enjoyable. Knowing that they won the CFDA/Vogue fashion fund is of particular interest to me because in 2008 at my current internship I designed one of the catalogues our company sent in to apply for the fashion fund. I am excited to hear thoughts behind the lines identity, especially because they have become fairly successful.

3. I think I might have answered some of this question with my last answer! My interests lie in fashion and lifestyle branding and projects that pertain to the collaboration of that work. So I think that by visiting such a wide array of companies and agencies that span to different ends of the design spectrum I can relate in some small way to all of them. While I am more excited for some than others, I think that I will be able to take away something from every agency we visit.

4. I think its hard to classify a particular aesthetic to a specific coast. If I had to say, I would think that West Coast design takes more risks in terms of color palettes. Maybe more attempts at a departure from traditional structures and more funky? I don't really know how to put it into words exactly. So I would say East Coast design focuses more on simplicity and classic looks, perfecting and mastering a good clean look, which is alot of times harder than a crazy funky style. Maybe? No? haha!

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